We found out today that as a negotiating tactic, Amazon has removed the pre-order buttons for all Hachette books (including The Map to Everywhere which will be coming out from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers on November 4).  While this is indeed unfortunate and, frankly, upsetting, I figure why not find the bright side to this situation?

Because you know who you can still pre-order The Map to Everywhere from? Our incredibly supportive and wonderful local independent bookstore, Park Road Books.  So JP and I have decided that if you pre-order a copy of Map from Park Road Books, we’ll not only sign and personalize it, we’ll throw in a free gift with purchase.

What that gift is… we don’t know yet.  We just decided to do this today – lol.  But you can expect it to be book themed.  And something that can fit in a priority shipping envelope so it won’t change the shipping price.  Trust me, it will be cool 🙂

To order from Park Road Books just give them a call, 704-525-9239, or shoot them an email orders@parkroadbooks.com!  If you’d like your book personalized, don’t forget to tell them what name to use (and how to spell it if it has a unique spelling).

Thanks for helping us support a store that’s supported us for so long!