Hey all! I was going to post this as an update to my weekend goals post below, but I figured it was important enough to merit a post all on its own.

Yep, I typed “THE END” tonight on my WIP. I thought this would feel like a massive accomplishment, that I would feel great gobs of relief. Champagne corks would fly. Video games would be paused.

But the problem is, it doesn’t feel like THE END yet. I have SO MUCH REVISING to do. I mean, so much that I’m afraid to even start reading it all from the beginning. The big story will be fun to fix. I think. But then it’s those awful details. Like the fact that a wrote two characters as being married but now they’re not married but kinda engaged and so I have to make sure there’s never ever any reference to them as husband and wife. And let me tell you, she refers to him as her husband all the time.

That’s the kind of stuff that I hate about revising. The little things. Too many little things to list and so you have to comb through the sucker over and over and over again.

*shudder* Maybe I should stop talking about all of that 🙂 It’s at this point in the process that I marvel that books ever make it to print. That books out there are consistant, that the plot holds together, that the hero’s name is the same throughout (did I mention I’m still thinking of changing some character’s names? At least that’s just a “find and replace” job!).

So, yeah. Done with the first draft. Terrified to read through it. Afraid it will all be worthless crap. Very afraid of that.

But for tonight it’s WOOHOO! And let me tell you, I’m pretty proud of myself for knocking out that 5.5k word count in one afternoon.