I’m still in deadline mode but wanted to pop up to announce something really cool!  As many of y’all know, I’m part of an awesome group of debut MG and YA authors call the 2009 Debutantes.  It’s a totally all-inclusive group: anyone with a debut in 2009 can join (there’s a similar group for 2010 debuts call the Tenners).  For the past year, we’ve mostly just been a support group, talking about our process, sharing our goals and accomplishments, helping each other out, etc.  I’ve made some great and amazing friends.  I’ve also read some fantastic ARCs 🙂

Now that 2009 is here, I’m super excited to start pimping some of these books 🙂  While we’re not a marketing or promotional group, we do have some cool group projects in the works (and since it’s an opt-in type of group with no requirements, not every project will include every deb).
One project that will last all year is the 12 Months of Debsness.  It’s a really cool give-away I’m super excited about.  We’ll be posting more about it soon and the first give-away will be January 15th (which just happens to be my birthday!).  So be sure to sign up as a watcher on the community to learn how to win!
The 12 Months of Debsness Giveaway is Coming!